© TJ Marine Ltd 2011

Slippery decks can be dangerious to you and your crew. Applying new non skid not only makes for a safer boat but may not cost as much as you think.
Over time gelcoat fades, it can be buffed and polished but its never quite the same again espically if they are coloured. A top sides respray can make an enormous difference not on to the look but also to the value of your boat. Modern marine paint systems are easy to repair too.
Every so often its time to give your boat a full overhaul, maybe new non skid paint for the decks, a new shiney top sides respray or some interior decorating. Maybe its best to do it all at once.
We can help with any refit of any size. We will find the best people in the business to complete various sections of the work so that you end up with the best result in the most cost efficent way.